On a quest to guide others toward living and feeling better through simple yet disciplined adjustments to our everyday lives. Chris has crafted a lifestyle that is focused on cultivating more movement, play and practice in order to re-discover what it means to be human.
Chris teaches Yoga & Movement classes that focus on harnessing the power and grounding nature of the breathe to bridge the body and mind so we have the opportunity to connect and observe.
With a passion for adventure, developing community and connecting to our innate ability, Chris also leads individuals and groups in the outdoors.
This will be a community of like-hearts, curious about exploring the benefits and developing the practice of Cold Water Immersion.
Join the course, get access to the community and take on the challenge.
* Learn the science behind this healing practice.
* Forge a new habit with group accountability.
* Face the colder seasons head on.
* On demand support & guidance.
* Access To Cold Water Coaches + Q & A's
* In-Person Community Meet-Up (London)
How this course has helped people...
"The way it was presented allowed people to engage at the level that they could commit to. Chris's course was highly educational & my experience was so supportive to me in my life."
- Shane Cody
"This course has been like a spiritual awakening. It challenges you to show up every day for yourself, to do something that's yours and be proud of yourself. It's something I will continue to practice and forever grateful that Chris shared this with me."
- Adam Pedlar
"What I found most astounding were the mental benefits I experienced – improved focus, feeling more present and aware – things I hadn’t associated with this practice when I first started."
- Alice Edwards
What you will receive.

The Journey
* 21 Days Of Benefits / Education
* Additional daily tasks + Challenges (optional).
* Daily affirmation(s)
* Downloadable 21 Day Calendar.
* Learn more about topics such as Breathwork & Meditation.
* Further reading on the days topic / benefit.
* Access To Private Watsapp Accountability Group.
* V.I.P Option - 2x Zoom Seminars & Access To Coaches.
Meet Ups
* 1x Weekly Breathwork Online
* Closing Community Group Zoom.
* Invitation to In-Person Meet-Up: 30th Nov @ SaunaBaths London Hackney
During the challenge
you will learn...
* 21 Benefits of Cold Water Immersion.
* Breathing techniques to help with down-regulation.
* Impacts on hormones & the endocrine system.
* How the cold can help weight loss & improve blood flow.
* Nervous System Regulation.
* Anti-Depressive Effects.
* Other Challenges to prompt self-development.
Meet your Cold Water Coaches

Kev O'Neill
Breath & Cold Water Instructor
Renowned Advanced Oxygen Advantage coach & Cold Water Instructor Certification Founder.
Gilly Mcarthur
Cold Water Swim Instructor
Cold Water Instructor & Nature Connection. Level 2 STA open water swim coach, RLSS lifeguard.
What is Cold Water Therapy?
Cold Immersion or exposure is referring to intentionally submerging your body in Cold Water (generally below 15'c). The benefits are hard to compartmentalise as they are all linked - the overlap from Physiological and Psychological is real, I have outlined some below. For more info see
*Immune System; Exposing yourself to acute stress is an amazing way to give your body the chance to adapt and become stronger. Cold Water helps boost white blood cell count as you are forced to react to the conditions.
* Circulation; Veins, Arteries and Capillaries all induce blood flow, the cold forces your blood to the surface as your body fights to keep your extremities warm.
* Inflammation; 15’c temperature & below have shown to trigger changes in parameters like blood flow affecting inflammation and speeding up muscles function
* Weight Loss; Some studies have shown that it can speed up your metabolism which is the rate your body uses energy and burns calories.
* Stress; When you learn to develop a relationship with and a response to acute stress, your body naturally deals with day to day stress much better. Your breath also plays a significant role in this; when you breath into discomfort your body relaxes and overcomes.
* Mental Over-ride; I often find myself battling with that inner voice that questions whether I want to go in the cold, but I never regret going in. The mental fortitude that I gain from the process is unquestionable.
* Comfort Zone; This for me has been the biggest benefit. Our environment in the modern day has allowed us to become extremely comfortable. This was not the case for most of our existence as a species and has come at a cost. We would regularly feel changing of temperatures and be in flow with the seasons, now it is all to easy to live our lives without feeling the cold.
please note, these are my own understandings and not a supplement for medical advice.
What you need to know.
Dip Tank
Cold Shower
Open Water
​Everyday we will commit to 3 minutes Immersed in Cold Water.
You can decide when and where to take this within the 24 hour period. A cold shower or bath is perfect. Or simply and safely getting out into the natural waters of the local area.
Why do I believe in this Challenge so much?
"Developing a relationship with the Cold has transformed my life and developed rich community."
For the last 5 years I have been able to sustain this practice of intentionally seeking the Cold. It has improved my health, from developing mental resilience that helps me deal with everyday stress to allowing me to trust my body & mind and realise it is capable of so much more.
The practice has translated into everything I do, changed the way I travel and created some incredible memories whilst meeting some people that have truly enriched my life.
The benefits are endless, it is a practice that keeps on giving, these are my top picks for my WHY...
a practice you never good at - you will always rely on the cold to be cold, everyday is another opportunity to let go of expectations and be in the present.
it teaches you how to surrender - letting go in life is an action, it requires strength and discipline.
learning how to breath - the gateway to your nervous system, the cold teaches to control your breath.

Watch, Listen & Learn...
Watch Gilly Mcarthur's Documentary